Rules & Prize Information
Rules of Play:
- USGA rules will govern all play with the exception of the local rules listed below.
- Ball may be moved one club length from its position, no closer to the hole, through the green.
(Must be in like conditions) Throughout the day for all formats. - The tournament chairman for this event is Kurtis Hartwig. He will be making all rulings and his decision shall be final.
- Men will tee off from the Gold Tees, Senior's 60+ will tee off from the Silver Tees, and Ladies & Juniors 13 & Under will tee off from the Green Tees.
- Once the ball is holed out, the hole is complete. (No Practice Putting)
- We will have one special hole cut in each format for your enjoyment.
Hole #’s 1 – 6 Regular Scramble:
Both players tee off from their respective tee. After teeing off, the team members decide which shot they prefer and then both hit from that location. This procedure is repeated until the ball is holed.
Notes: If the shot selected is to be played from a hazard, rough, fairway, or fringe of the green, with the exception of improving your lie one club length (no closer to the hole) you may not change the condition that the ball lies in. When putting, the ball must be placed within a putter head of the selected shot (no closer to the hole). Teams are cautioned not to make tap-ins until your partner has had an opportunity to make the team’s original putt. Once the ball is holed out, no further strokes are permitted.
Hole #’s 7 – 12 Modified Alternate Shot (Chapman Format):
Each hole, BOTH players on a team hit tee shots, and then each play second shots using their partner's tee shot location. After both players second shots, the team must select one ball location from which to complete the hole using alternate shot format. Example:
Shot 1 (Tee Shot) – Player A hits his tee shot down the left side fairway. Player B slices his tee shot into a fairway bunker.
Shot 2 (Second Shot) - Player A now must hit Player B ball, from the bunker, and Player B hits Player A ball from the fairway.
AFTER SHOT 2 A DECISION MUST BE MADE!! Now you must select Player A 2nd shot or Player B 2nd Shot to finish the hole.
At this point, it is TRUE ALTERNATE SHOT. Not a scramble. So if you select Play A 2nd shot, player B will hit the 3rd shot followed by Player A hitting the 4th shot and continue alternating until the ball is holed.
"What happens if you go OB." First... that ball hopefully won't be used. But if Player A goes OB off the tee, then Player B needs to hit Player A’s ball but from where the original shot took place (and technically that ball is now being hit for 3).
If they both go OB, then they're both hitting again from the tee for 3. After that they pick the best shot and alternate in from the selected shot.
Hole #’s 13 – 18 One Best Ball of Two:
Each player will play his or her own ball for the entire hole. The lowest score of the two will be your team score. Example: Player A makes a six, and his or her partner makes a five. The team score is five. Both team members do not have to finish each hole. Players can pick up to help with pace of play.
We would ask one person in each group tp download the Golf Genius app for mobile/live scoring (Click here for download links). By entering the hole by hole scores for all teams, our event results and winnings will be available more promptly. To enter in scores open the Golf Genius app and enter in the GGID number located at the bottom of your official scorecard.
Then enter your score after each hole. It will also provide a live leaderboard for the event. If other players are interested in the leaderboard or final results use GGID#: TURKEY2022 (This GGID is for viewing only)
After completion of your round, scorecards will be collected in the Bar & Grill to validate the posted scores. All event winnings will be posted on the website upon completion of play.
Prizes will be awarded to the following Places:
(All ties will be broken by USGA recommended scorecard playoff)
1st Place = $200 / Team
2nd Place = $100 / Team
19th Place = $200 / Team
20th Place = $100 / Team
37th Place = $200 / Team
38th Place = $100 / Team
55th Place = $200 / Team
56th Place = $100 / Team
Please return your official scorecards to the scoring area after completing play!